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Annual updates of all dogs from the main events in germany, including the Bundessiegerprüfung and the Bundessiegerzuchtschau |
The database contains all participants of the:-
- SV-Bundessiegerprüfung since 1950
- SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschauen since 1950 (until 1989 only GHKL)
- LG-Shows since 1991
- LG-Trials since 1984
- WUSV-Qualifiers from 1990 until 1996
- FCI-Qualifiers since 1997
Pedigrees and Breed Survey reports of all TOP-DOGS from yesterday and today
Main bloodlines traced back as far as SZ number 1
Transparent database (MS Access* 2.0 i.e. MS Access* 97)
* MS Access is a registered Trademark of the Microsoft corporation